Erectile Dysfunction

At What Age Does Erectile Dysfunction Start to Happen?

At what age does erectile dysfunction start to happen? Dr. Edward Gheiler and Happy Urology look to answer your question in this article. Visit us for more.

At What Age Does Erectile Dysfunction Start to Happen?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can affect men of all ages, but it becomes more prevalent as men get older. As with most men’s urological and hormonal issues, the risk increases as men age. Many men may begin to experience occasional difficulties with erections as they enter their 40s or 50s. However, it's essential to distinguish between occasional instances of difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection and chronic or severe ED. Occasional issues can be attributed to factors like stress, fatigue, or temporary health concerns and may not necessarily indicate a chronic problem. At what age does erectile dysfunction start to happen? Continue reading below to learn more from our Miami urological surgeon.  

At What Age Do Guys Have Trouble Getting Hard? 

As mentioned above, the risk of erectile dysfunction increases as men age. It is rare for men to experience these symptoms in their 20s, but as they begin to age they will start experiencing more difficulties. Men also commonly experience difficulties with erections that have nothing to do with age. These include stress, fatigue, relationship issues, or temporary health concerns. This points to the fact that ED is not exclusively age-related. Younger men can also experience difficulties with erections, often due to psychological factors, relationship problems, or medical conditions. The factors contributing to these issues can vary widely among individuals. The most important consideration is that any man, regardless of age, should seek help and treatment for ED when it affects their well-being and quality of life. 

Does Every Man Get Erectile Dysfunction?

No, not every man will experience erectile dysfunction (ED) in their lifetime. While ED is a common condition, it is not an inevitable part of the aging process, nor does it affect every man. Many men maintain healthy erectile function throughout their lives. 

At What Age Do Most Men Get ED Symptoms?

Most men will not experience ED symptoms until their 20s. If predisposed, the probability of experiencing symptoms increases until men reach their 60s and beyond. This is often due to age-related changes, underlying health conditions, and the cumulative effects of lifestyle choices. One could gauge their chances of developing ED by looking at their family history or lifestyle choices. 

What Is the Erectile Dysfunction Percentage by Age?

According to the Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education: approximately 40% of men are affected at age 40 and nearly 70% of men are affected at age 70. This means that if you are experiencing symptoms at ages younger than this, you should look into recruiting the help of an erectile dysfunction doctor or surgeon.

More About Happy Urology

At what age does erectile dysfunction start to happen? We hope that we were able to answer that question for you. Happy Urology is a medical practice that is proud to count on the services of an experienced Miami urological surgeon. We are here to make sure that our patients receive the attention that they deserve when it comes to implants or surgeries that are proven to improve sexual function and health. We offer men the AMS 700 penile implant. Contact us today to learn more about the services that Dr. Edward Gheiler offers or if you have other questions regarding our services.