Erectile Dysfunction

How Long Does an AMS 700 Penile Implant Last?

How long does an AMS 700 penile implant last? Happy Urology is here to answer any questions that you may have. Visit our website to learn more.

How Long Does an AMS 700 Penile Implant Last?

Understanding the longevity of the AMS 700 penile implant is a crucial aspect for those considering this transformative solution. At Happy Urology, we prioritize providing comprehensive information to empower individuals to make informed decisions. The AMS 700 penile implant is known for its durability, designed to withstand the test of time. While individual experiences may vary, clinical studies suggest that these implants have a high degree of reliability over an extended period. Factors such as lifestyle, overall health, and adherence to postoperative care can influence the longevity of the implant. Our knowledgeable urologists at Happy Urology are committed to discussing these aspects in detail during consultations, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the potential duration and benefits associated with the AMS 700 penile implant. How long does an AMS 700 penile implant last? Continue reading below to learn from our Hialeah urologist.

Can A Penile Implant Last 30 Years?

The longevity of penile implants, including the AMS 700, is a common query for individuals considering this intervention. While individual experiences may vary, studies indicate that penile implants have the potential to last for an extended period, with some implants demonstrating durability for up to 30 years or more in certain cases. Several factors can influence the lifespan of Miami penile implants, including the specific type of implant, the patient's overall health, and adherence to postoperative care. Regular follow-up appointments and maintenance are essential to monitor the functionality and address any potential issues that may arise over time.

What is the Failure Rate of AMS 700?

When considering the longevity of penile implants, such as the AMS 700, it's important to note that individual experiences can vary. While clinical studies and real-world data suggest that these implants are designed with durability in mind, predicting an exact lifespan can be challenging. Factors such as the patient's overall health, adherence to postoperative care, and lifestyle choices can influence the performance and longevity of the AMS 700 penile implant. Research indicates that a significant percentage of these implants remain functional even after a decade or more, showcasing their resilience. However, it's essential to acknowledge that like any medical device, there is a minimal failure rate associated with penile implants. At Happy Urology, we prioritize transparency and thorough discussions during consultations to provide you with the most accurate and personalized information regarding the potential lifespan and considerations associated with the AMS 700 penile implant.

More About Happy Urology

How long does an AMS 700 penile implant last? Our penile elongation professionals hope that we have answered your questions. We are a urological service that is dedicated to helping our patients with everything that they may need when it comes to penile elongation surgery. Contact us today to learn more about La Bombita surgery and penile lengthening.