Erectile Dysfunction

Does Adderall Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Curious about the link between Adderall and erectile dysfunction? Happy Urology and Dr. Edward Gheiler are here to help. Visit us today to learn more.

Does Adderall Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Adderall and Erectile Dysfunction

Adderall is one of the most commonly prescribed medications for people who are suffering from ADHD. Adderall is a stimulant that provides increased concentration for those who are suffering from the most common symptom of ADHD, which is a lack of focus. However useful this medication may be, it does not come without certain side effects, which could result in sexual side effects such as erectile dysfunction. This could lead many people to reconsider the medication. If you are wondering what the link between Adderall and erectile dysfunction is, continue reading below to learn from Happy Urology and Dr. Edward Gheiler. 

Can Adderall Cause ED? 

Unfortunately, Adderall can cause erectile dysfunction. However, there are many side effects of Adderall. The most common include loss of appetite, insomnia, dry mouth, weight loss, headaches, nausea, anxiety, tachycardia (fast heart rate), and urinary tract infection. These are much more common in users than erectile dysfunction because only two to four percent of male users report experiencing any erectile dysfunction after using the medication. Some of the most common symptoms of erectile dysfunction include: 

  • Not being able to get an erection at any time 
  • Cannot maintain an erection long enough to have satisfactory sex 
  • Cannot have inconsistent erections 

How Long Does ED from Adderall Last? 

For the few males who experience side effects from Adderall, the symptoms usually subside after the body becomes accustomed to the medication. However, there are cases where ED could be permanent. The good news is that erectile dysfunction can almost always be treated. The most common way to treat Adderall-related erectile dysfunction is to follow these steps: 

  • Adjusting doses on the days that you have sex
  • Not taking Adderall before sex 
  • Waiting for symptoms to subside

There could be some cases where your doctor or other healthcare provider suggests that you cease using the medication or use some other form of ADHD treatment.  To make sure that your Adderall erectile dysfunction does not reoccur after ceasing, our South Florida urology practice recommends that you maintain a healthy lifestyle, cease smoking, and drink in moderation, as these are proven to be linked to erectile dysfunction. 

Adderall and Premature Ejaculation 

A typical symptom of sexual dysfunction is premature ejaculation. Since Adderall has been linked to erectile dysfunction, it is only natural to wonder if it could lead to premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is rarely something that people have to worry about when undergoing Adderall treatment. 

More About Happy Urology

Aside from detailing the link between Adderall and erectile dysfunction, Happy Urology is a urology practice based in Miami that is dedicated to helping our customers with urology services. We have some of the most experienced Miami urologists ready to assist you, including Dr. Edward Gheiler. Contact us today to learn more from our experts.