Can a Woman Tell if a Man Has a Penile Implant?

Can a woman tell if a man has a penile implant? Happy Urology is here to assist you with whatever you may need. Visit our website for more information.

Can a Woman Tell if a Man Has a Penile Implant?

One of the main considerations for men looking for penile implants is whether or not their intimate partner will notice that they have an implant. The penile implant industry has made large strides in previous years, and this technology has reached the offices of Dr. Edward Gheiler and our Miami urological surgeon team. This improvement in technology has culminated in an unmatched experience for every current or future patient who walks through our doors. Can a woman tell if a man has a penile implant? Continue reading below to learn more. 

What Is the Average Size of a Penile Implant?

Penile implants come in various sizes to accommodate the individual anatomical characteristics of each patient. There is no single "average size" for penile implants because they are custom-fitted during the surgical procedure to ensure the best match for the patient's unique anatomy.

Along with being an implant size that is not too far off from the initial measurements that a man has, most new implants are designed with technology that makes them feel as if they are not prosthetics, but instead made to feel like real flesh and blood. 

Do Men Feel Pleasure With a Penile Implant?

An important part of intimate relationships is how both people feel during them. Like most procedures, there is no definitive answer for everyone since everyone’s body is different. However, it should be noted that the erections gained by way of an AMS 700 penile implant are not the same as those produced naturally. While these erections are not unpleasant by any means, they will not have the same feel as natural ones. In conclusion, men will feel pleasure with penile implants, but they should also not expect to feel the same amount as they would without an implant. It is also important to realize that the feelings of intimacy with a partner during sex largely make up for the lost physical pleasure experienced during sexual relations. 

More About Happy Urology

Can a woman tell if a man has a penile implant? Happy Urology is an experienced urological surgery practice that is here to make sure that our patients receive the attention that they deserve when it comes to implants or surgeries that are proven to improve sexual function and health. We hope we were able to answer any questions you had on this topic. We would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.