About AMS 700 LGX Sizes

Interested in AMS 700 LGX sizes? Happy Urology is here to help. Visit our website to learn more about everything that we have to offer. We have experience.

About AMS 700 LGX Sizes

Welcome to Happy Urology, where we prioritize not just the health but also the happiness of our patients. In the ever-evolving landscape of urological care, we understand the importance of staying informed about the latest advancements. Today, we delve into the realm of penile implants with a focus on the AMS 700 LGX, a groundbreaking innovation that has revolutionized the lives of individuals seeking erectile dysfunction solutions. At Happy Urology, we believe that knowledge empowers our patients to make well-informed decisions about their health. Join us as we explore the different sizes of the AMS 700 LGX, shedding light on this remarkable technology that has become a beacon of hope for many. Our Hialeah urologists explore AMS 700 LGX sizes further below. 

Does AMS 700 Increase Size?

The AMS 700, or the La Bombita surgery, is known to increase size. This penile implant aids in achieving and maintaining an erection, contributing to improved sexual performance and satisfaction.

What is the AMS 700 Length?

Typically, the lengths range from 12 to 20 centimeters, providing a spectrum of options for individuals seeking this innovative solution. Determining the most suitable length is a collaborative process between our skilled urologists and the patient, taking into account individual preferences and anatomical considerations.

What is the Average Size of a Penile Implant?

At our Miami penile implants office, we often encounter inquiries about the average size of penile implants, particularly the AMS 700 LGX. It's important to note that penile implant sizes vary to accommodate the diverse anatomical needs of our patients. All AMS 700 LGX sizes,  like many other penile implants, comes in different lengths and girths to ensure a customized fit. On average, these implants range from 12 to 20 centimeters in length and 10 to 20 centimeters in circumference. The selection of a specific size is a collaborative decision between our experienced urologists and the patient, taking into consideration individual preferences and anatomical factors. Our commitment at Happy Urology is to provide personalized and comprehensive care, tailoring solutions to meet the unique needs of each individual seeking penile implant options.

What is the Difference Between AMS 700 LGX and CX?

The key distinction lies in the mechanism of rigidity control. The AMS 700 LGX boasts a more advanced design with a fluid-filled reservoir that allows for on-demand inflation and deflation, providing a more natural and responsive erectile function. On the other hand, the AMS 700 CX utilizes a simpler, non-hydraulic system, maintaining a constant level of rigidity once inflated. The choice between these models often depends on patient preferences and lifestyle considerations. Our experienced urologists at Happy Urology work closely with patients to discuss the unique features of each model, ensuring an informed decision that aligns with individual expectations and goals for enhanced quality of life.

More About Happy Urology

Happy Urology is a urological practice that is here to make sure that you have the best penile elongation surgery in the market. If you are interested in penile lengthening/penile elongation, contact us today to learn more about AMS 700 LGX sizes.